Satan Transformed into an Angel of Black Light

The Great Hierophant or Pope wearing triple crown rather than horns of Isis

The Great Hierophant or Pope wearing triple crown rather than horns of Isis

Arcanum V is the Great Hierophant, the High Priest Initiator into the Mysteries, seated between two pillars as the Master of Magic.  This man, says Mouni Sadhu, displays “the enlightened will-power, of the active authority, the human PENTAGRAM.” The tarot card illustration by our author shows this high priest, or Pope, as having the two horns and moon of Isis, whereas other tarot cards display a triple crown.  Holding the triple cross of the hierophant, which rises higher than the binary horns, indicates that this is the upright pentagram of White Magic.  Mouni Sadhu, in contrast to others, says that one of the two men kneeling at the feet of the Great hierophant is black, while the other is white. The Hierophant as a PENTAGRAM is “triumphant, together with all the powers of light, even over the forces of Darkness, compelling them to serve his GOOD aims”.

Arcanum V is represented by the Hebrew letter He’, the number five, and the hieroglyph “Breathing,” a symbol of life.  Here we see that Five represents the Tetragrammaton with the letter Shin added.  Shin is viewed as three cloven tongues of fire, the Divine Spirit, or the desire for knowledge and enlightenment, the Logos.hebrew letter shin  Mouni Sadhu tells us that “the Fifth Arcanum of the Tarot teaches us about the potential power or ability which exists in every one of us, and which creates our individual force, our active life.”  He poses the question, “How is it possible to create in us this human pentagram, this astral power?” To answer this he provides us with a systematic approach to developing the astral, mental and physical aspects of the individual man.  The primary key to unlock this enlightened will-power is the power of Concentration.

The use of occult numerology begins to get more interesting in Arcanum V, as five can be viewed as 1+4, 4+1, 2+3, or 3+2. A pentagram viewed in either an upright or an inverted position can mean the differences between the motives of a white or a black magician.

Upright Pentagram of White Magic

Upright Pentagram of White Magic

Inverted Pentagram of Black Magic or Incarnation from Logos or spirit to flesh

Inverted Pentagram of Black Magic or Incarnation from Logos or spirit to flesh

Mouni Sadhu notes that in an inverted pentagram, the 5=2+3 “symbolizes the obscuring of the absolute essence of the triple law by means of mirage-like, deceptive astral clichés.  This happens  because of the presence and activity of involutionary (that is, tending to a deeper  merging into matter) tourbillons (vortexes), and to them correspond  the dark beings, like:  black magicians occupied with work on the astral plane,” elementars who in between incarnations are looking for a physical body for their lusts, egregors , and astral scum such as larvas.

The pentagram with the formula 5=3+2 composed of the highest and middle principles of the Great Arcanum of Magic represents the white magician, spirit guides and egregors and elementars of the positive type.  The Great Hierophant is an upright pentagram of the highest sort, “the fully evolved pentagram…the man who has attained power over the elements and astral currents, that is, he is endowed with super-physical abilities, which make him a magician.”

Mouni Sadhu explains that the astral plane reacts to symbols.  Since beings on the astral plane do not have a body, unless they have access to a medium or other body, they do not see as we do. They most likely see energy patterns, thus when a magician aims to make himself into the Pentagram, he is then able to dominate the astral world by the power of the image he has created.

Fluorescent Minerals under a black light

Fluorescent Minerals under a black light

The Bible notes that Satan is able to transform himself into an angel of light. My thought is that perhaps he appears as a black light on the astral plane.  For Matthew 6:22-23 says, “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.  But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness.  If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

The woes spoken against the scribes, and Pharisees, hypocrites in Matthew 23 appear also to be spoken against Arcanum V, for we see in verse 2 that Jesus is referring to the scribes and the Pharisees which sit in Moses’ seat as expositors.  The Greek word here for seat is cathedra, which reminds us of the Pope, to whom in verse 9, Jesus says to “call no man your Father on earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.”

I note that the seat of Moses was also a judgment seat.  Mouni Sadhu does not mention that there is an outline of a pentagram traced out in our solar system by the relationship of the orbits of Venus and Earth.   In 2922 days,  Venus orbits the sun  five times and the earth  eight times. Venus is also a symbol of Lucifer, who seems to hold the mastery and the power of Moses’ Seat, now that this righteous prophet is no longer here.  venus earth orbit pentagram

Mention is made by our author of the warring of pentagrams and the sorcery involved in controlling other human pentagrams. It appears to me that the upright and inverted pentagrams, when in rotation, become indistinguishable, and create a vortex of black light.  Those persons who wish to kneel at the feet of the Great Hierophant will discover upon their death that they were unable to transform their fallen natures into what Adam was previously, before he ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.  If Lucifer cannot overcome his fall, how can man do so by following his  rebellious counsel?  The Bible refutes the karmic, reincarnation theology of redemption put forth by Mouni Sadhu, who in his book, is our Great Hierophant.

Jesus spoke to the Jews who considered themselves Upright Pentagrams, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.  He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there was no truth in him.  When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.”(John 8:44)

I will mention one more comparison to be made with the Great Hierophant, having to do with the Melchizedek Order.  Many persons have speculated that Shem was this high priest which Abraham gave a tenth of the spoils to.  Genesis 9:26 says in part, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem.  We are to note that the name of Noah’s son Shem means Name.  So here we see the combination of Jehovah, God, and Name. The high priesthood of Lucifer displays no conscience in stealing names and titles from God, whether it be to base their works on the Tetragrammaton, or to add Shin as the Holy Spirit, and steal the Melchizedek priesthood from Jesus Christ.

When Jesus Christ came from heaven as the WORD made flesh, according to Arcanum V principles, this represented an involutionary process of the Inverted Pentagram of Black Magic. Since the Great Hierophant arose to his high place by an evolutionary process and is represented by the upright Pentagram of White Magic, I suppose this is to signify that Satanic redemption is higher than God’s redemption of mankind. However the Bible declares in Hebrews 1:8-9 declares “But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of thy kingdom.  Thou hast loved righteousness, and hated iniquity; therefore God, even thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.”